La FAA no tiene un requisito mínimo para solicitar su certificado de instructor de vuelo más allá del requerido para su licencia comercial, pero la calificación CFI está diseñada para llevarlo de su licencia comercial a convertirse en un instructor de vuelo certificado. ¡Además de ser una experiencia extremadamente gratificante, la instrucción de vuelo te permite construir tus horas y recibir un pago por ello!
Los solicitantes interesados ​​en obtener una calificación de instructor de vuelo se reunirán con uno de nuestros instructores de vuelo senior para adaptar un programa a su experiencia y objetivos. Nuestros CFI tienen una gran cantidad de conocimiento y experiencia de carreras en aviación corporativa y de aerolíneas, y se enorgullecen de ayudar a guiar y guiar a la última generación de instructores de vuelo a los más altos estándares de seguridad y excelencia.
Para ciertas carreras de aviación, como trabajar para las aerolíneas, es posible que tenga un requisito de hora de vuelo: ¡conviértase en un instructor de vuelo para recibir un pago mientras construye tiempo!
Agradeceríamos la oportunidad de analizar en detalle cómo podemos ayudarlo de la mejor manera a lograr sus objetivos. ¡Llámenos para hacer una cita para venir y reunirse con uno de nuestros coordinadores de capacitación, o envíe su solicitud para reservar nuestro próximo curso de capacitación disponible hoy!
Instructor de vuelo certificado
Affordable Flight Training
Learning to fly is like any other investment. You may buy a house in a growing market, have taken a job or course to prepare you for the next step in your career, or earn a pilot’s license; each of these will help you create a future that is better than yesterday. You can look at flying the exact same way. If you’re flying for pleasure, you’ll find that learning to fly enhances your communication, critical thinking, and confidence. If you will fly professionally, then this opportunity will enhance your skillset, competitiveness, and eligibility for your career. Regardless, you are investing in a better you.
Flight training scholarships are a great method to pay for flight training. AOPA, EAA, and WAI are among organizations that offer the most scholarships, and new scholarships pop up all the time – so search frequently, and apply often.
​You can also obtain a personal loan for your flight training, either through your own bank, or through a bank that specializes in flight training loans. Several options include:
Ready to take your Flight Instructor FAA written exam?
Before you take your checkride, you'll have to pass a written exam which can be taken at our testing center. Learn how to schedule here.
It's always a good idea to pass your written exam sooner rather than later, and many students opt to take their exam before they start flight training.
Benefits of using Dauntless Test Prep:
Regularly updated, actual and realistic FAA questions ​
Explanations for every question. Detailed, illustrated, and intelligent. Written by professional pilots, instructors, and examiners and fully compatible with official FAA regulations and guidance and Airman Certification Standards.
Polished user interface for fast and effective learning. Plenty of study and learning modes, including infinite practice tests.
Free lifetime updates means that you can use it to pass the test now and as a lifetime refresher later.
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