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New Years Resolutions for Aviators like You!

Welcome to our 'Pilot's Guide for New Years Resolutions' and get excited to make 2022 the best year yet!

1. Make an IMPACT.

We know there is someone in your life who would absolutely love flight training. This person, maybe your spouse, child, dear friend or relative, would LOVE to learn to fly and giving them this opportunity always been in the back of your mind.

You have options! First, you can gift them an exciting, life-changing Discovery Flight to give them a taste of the world of aviation. This is a perfect gift to make someone's day, and it has the potential to alter the course of their career.

Second, if you're a pilot you can show them the ropes! If you have your license and an aircraft at your disposal, give a friend or relative the gift of a scenic flight with you. Pay your blessings in life forward and make an impact in another person's life by taking them on a leisurely flight that will offer a new perspective and color to their life.

Third, you can sponsor them by financing all or part of their flight training. Even though flight training is relatively affordable compared to other means of education, many people might not have the resources to jumpstart their training. You could be the reason someone is able to become a pilot!

If you don't have someone in mind, you can donate to flight schools or organizations with scholarship programs for future pilots. Imagine financing someone's dream come true!

2. Commit to pursuing your next license or rating.

You deserve it! You've thought about getting your private pilot's license, instrument rating, or multi-engine add on, and NOW is the time.

Give yourself the opportunity to be fully invested and dedicated to the completion of this next phase of flight training. There are only benefits: greater understanding, improved skills, both proficiency and currency, better qualifications... the list goes on.

In order to make the most of your training and optimize time and financial efficiency, you have to be all in. You'll want to choose a school that offers the advanced training programs and resources, like our Baron 58 Multi Engine Program, that you're looking for.

3. Add to your resumé.

As pilots, we are always learning! Who wouldn't love expanding their knowledge while adding to their list of credentials?

Liberty University offers hundreds of online degrees, and you can earn your Bachelor of Science in Aviation right from your own home. Through Liberty University, you can complete flight training at an approved flight training affiliate, like us here at FLAV!


Your local Ninety-Nines, EAA, local flight club, or other aviation group near you. Pick an organization or two and make it your resolution this year to attend every event. Maybe you'll love it so much that you become an active member or even a board member!

You'll finally get to talk about aviation news, aircraft, and all-things-flying! You'll meet countless new friends who already share your passion. Hang out at the FBO like Million Air Tallahassee or do a quick google search to find opportunities near your location.

5. Develop your professional skillset.

Whether you are an aspiring professional pilot, CFI, or working in literally ANY field, your professional skillset can always grow. As an instructor or team member of any sort, you must learn how to effectively communicate. You can practice speaking (tone, articulation, impromptu speeches and more) using an app called Speako, or you can find a group near you that is meant for professional growth like the international club Toastmasters.

Better yet, work on your communication skills by practicing when you meet new people. Challenge yourself every day by doing something new such as reaching out, asking questions, and making conversation. Go ahead, ask us anything aviation related!

6. Read one book per month!

"The key to life... is reading...There has been [billions] of people that have lived before all of us. There's no new problem you can have that someone hasn't already solved and wrote about it in a book." - Will Smith.

Our suggestions are to get a head start on your aviation books. Spending as little as 30 minutes per day reading and reviewing can make a world of a difference. Start with one of these!


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